This is Me

This is Me
My edufire profile

Information about me

Hello. I’m Enrique. A highly experienced language teacher. I’m also a veteran at edufire, as well as an Ambassador here.

Feel free to contact me if you need help in English or Spanish. Or, if you have questions, or if just feel like talking, send me a message.



Contact me for further information.

My name is Enrique! I was born in Cuba. And I’ve lived in New York, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Mexico again. And in Miami since ‘91’

I’m a highly experienced conversational English and Spanish teacher.

I HAVE GIVEN OVER 70,000 lessons in a very successful and rewarding language teaching career.

I’ve given many classes for many years. I developed my own language teaching method, and I also TRAIN teachers.

I began working at Berlitz as a Spanish and English teacher, and worked up the ranks until school director. I have many years experience in teaching conversational English and Spanish at all levels.

I can teach from a complete beginner level to advanced. I can focus on a specific need/topic the student. eg; business.

I’m very proud to know that I’ve helped so many people achieve their goals because of my help in learning to speak English or Spanish.

This is the most rewarding aspect of my career.

So, if you really need to speak the language, give me a call.

Your success is my success!

En Español

Me llamo Enrique. naci en Cuba, y he vivido en Nueva York, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Mexico otra vez, y en Miami desde el ’91

Soy un profesor altamente experimentado en la enseñanza de Ingles y Español conversacional.

He impartido muchas clases a lo largo de muchos años.

He desarrollado mi propio método. Tambien ENTRENO profesores

Empecé a dar clases de inglés y español en Berlitz, y llegué a ser director de uno de sus centros.

Tengo muchos años de experiencia en la enseñanza de inglés y español a todos los niveles.

Puedo enseñar desde nivel principiante hasta avanzado.

Me enfoco a las necesidades/tema especifico del alumno. eg: negocios.

Estoy muy orgulloso de saber que he ayudado a tanta gente a lograr sus metas con mi ayuda en aprender inglés y español.

Esta es la mejor recompensa.

Así que si de verdad necesitas aprender a hablar el idioma, contactame.

Tu éxito es mi éxito.

My Updated Package Deals

Here are 2 packages:

1:1 sessions: $180.00 for 12 private sessions a month. This equals 3 per week for 4 weeks.

1:1 sessions: $120.00 for 8 private sessions a month. This equals 2 per week for 4 weeks.

Call me for further questions or information.

skype: enrique.kates



My Principle....The art of teaching a foreign language.

The art of teaching a foreign language.

Teaching a foreign language to grown ups, is similar to how children learn to speak their own native language.

Follow the Natural Stairway of learning. First Children see and associate sounds and images. Probably the first and most important is the sound of MA, OR MAMA, and the image of a woman……with time, the child will associate the sound MA with his mother.

* Repeat sounds. Through repetition a child will be able to say Ma, and therefore other sounds, objects, expressions, feelings, etc…

* Read and write. When a child begins Primary School, he learns to read and write…but, by that time he already knows how to speak the language.

* Grammar. A child learns grammar after he speaks, reads, and writes the language. So, WHY does traditional teaching INVERT this NATURAL process?

For an adult to learn a new language, we must use his/her knowledge, but NOT invert the natural learning process as described above.

Why begin with grammar, then reading and writing, and leave SPEAKING for the end???

Learn a Language from Home

Learn a language from home with Enrique Kates who will strive hard to make your business a success.

My goal is to create a professional partnership with my clients and provide the BEST in Language related services.
I fully understand the language and cultural relations in this modern age business world.

I specialize in closing the gap in language/cultural environment through online language training.

Break the Distance


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ways to Build Students' Self-Esteem

One of the most difficult tasks for any teacher, whether beginner or experienced, is building self-esteem in students who clearly show a low level of confidence. The older the student, the more we struggle to build up his/her self-esteem, since we have to overcome several years of low personal opinion. The factors which cause low self-esteem are numerous and probably known to all of us: negative family atmosphere, absence of role models, taunting by peers, and lack of opportunities to demonstrate one's real skills.

The components of self-esteem are four: what he/she thinks of their personal value, the kind of work they do and its consequences, personal achievements or lack thereof, and, most importantly, what they believe other people think of them. Simply talking to the students with positive words will never be sufficient; the task requires the following from all teachers:

Observe and Evaluate

Pay attention to each child's demeanor. Their non-verbal language almost always reveals their attitude towards themselves. Are they slouching, keeping their head down, not looking at you in the eye, isolated, very few or no friends, or are they defiant, strutting with an apparently superior attitude?

The defiant child has not learned to trust adults, sometimes with good reasons. The isolated (from all other students) child may have been abused, or severely taunted as inferior, as dumb, as unskilled, by previous teachers (it happens, unfortunately) and by peers.

Regaining Trust

Your task as a teacher is to gain their trust, an arduous task indeed. Allow me the recent example of a diffident student who finally granted me his trust. I met Javier (not his name) approximately 2 years ago in my high school where he arrived as a shy, timorous freshman. After observing him for 3 months, I noticed that he occasionally wore the shirt of a famous Mexican soccer team. Since I am a former player, I thought I had found the key to his mental door of trust.

I started making conversation with him, after helping him out with his English essay, and discovered that the team he really admired was the Spanish Barcelona. I began mentioning some of the key players and how well the team had played that Sunday. Little by little, he opened up to me, until I discovered that he felt neglected in his family because he was the "sandwich" brother. He now confides in me by retelling almost every incident about his personal life. His grades are going up at the same time he accepts who he is and what he can and cannot do.

Successful Tasks, The Key To Self-Esteem

Any student can experience success in school, even when their low level of intelligence presents serious obstacles. Some of the disabled children (Learning Disabled, Health Impairments, Physical Disabilities, etc.) are especially susceptible to low self-esteem. They even believe that they incapable of learning. "I am dumb," is an expression that I have heard too often.

We, the teachers, have the mission to devise tasks that less gifted children can perform successfully. If these accomplishments are followed by congratulations (sincere and genuine), the student's self-esteem will shoot up immediately. Too often, schools and teachers devise lesson plans that expect the same from every child. That is a very serious mistake. We must differentiate not only in the way we present the material, but also adapt it to the time some students take to finish.

See Them Outside Of School

All children love physical and/or artistic activity and schools provide them with multiple opportunities. Take the time to go to their games or activities after school. You have no idea how happy they are to see their teacher on the sideline or in the audience. Talk to the parents and tell them how much progress Adrian has made in the last few weeks. They in turn will mention this to the student who will feel elated that his/her teacher talked to their parents in such a positive manner.

Patience and Time, Time and Patience

Yes, the task is arduous; do not expect immediate results. Do not even expect positive results in every case. Some children may have been damaged too much and need expert help (psychological). For every student for whom you have made a difference, there are many others who need your attention, your patience, and your time. Isn't teaching wonderful?

J.C. Sprenger has been teaching at a local high school for 6 years as a special education (inclusion) teacher. Before that, he was a university professor in Mexico (10 years) teaching English to Mexican students. He has a B.A. in psychology and a Master's in Education. Born in Geneva, Switzerland, he now makes his home in Brownsville, Texas. He has been a freelance writer for 15 years in newspapers and recently on the Internet.

For more information on becoming a teacher in Texas and teacher jobs, check out

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